Scentwork – book monthly
What is Scentwork? Training your dog to:
- identify a distinct scent (we use clove oil)
- search for that scent and
- show you (indicate) when they have found it.
Why do Scentwork? Because of the many known benefits, including:
- Utilising your dog’s natural skills
- Providing enrichment, especially for dogs with restricted movement
- It’s physically tiring so a great alternative on rainy days
- Providing mental stimulation
- Building confidence
- Helping anxiety
- Promoting calmness
- Bonding with your dog, as you learn to search with them
- Any dog can do it
- It’s fun!
What do I need? Your dog on a collar/harness and lead and loads of treats.
I will provide you with a scent tin loaded with clove oil that you can take away for practice at home.
How do I join? Check the dates below then press the button! Once I’ve received your details I will call you to confirm whether there are still spaces available, to answer any questions you may have and to take payment to secure your place.
Class dates:
Monday evenings 6.00pm-7.00pm at Bathford Parish Hall (indoor/winter) or Box Playing Fields (outdoor/summer)
February 3rd
February 10th
February 17th – NO CLASS, hall in use
February 24th – 5.45pm-6.45pm
Price: £15.00 per class payable monthly, in advance
(Please remember to add me to your address book and check your junk folder for a reply.)