Doodle Dogs Training
Your name
Your address and postcode
Your phone number
Your email
Emergency contact name and relationship
Emergency contact number
Do you have any access needs you'd like me to know about?
Have you owned a dog before? YesNo
If yes, what breed?
What is your dog's name?
What is your dog's breed (or mix of breeds)?
What is your dog's date of birth?
What is your dog's gender? MaleFemale
What is your dog's weight in kg?
Is your dog neutered? YesNo
If 'Yes', at what age?
What age was your dog when you got them?
Where did you get your dog from? Professional breeder'Hobby' breederUK RescueOverseas RescueOther
Did you meet your dog's parents?
What do you know about your dog's background?
Why did you choose your particular dog?
Where does your dog sleep?
Which parts of the house does your dog have access to?
Where is your dog happiest/most relaxed?
Please give details of everyone living in your house and their ages
Please give details of any other pets in your home, their name, species and age.
What sort of diet does your dog eat Dry foodWet foodRawLeft oversOther
If 'Other', please give details
What brand and selection
Please list the first 3 ingredients
When is your dog fed?
Where is your dog fed?
If you have 2 dogs, are they fed together? YesNoN/A
How is your dog fed? BowlKongSnuffle MatOther
If other, please describe
Do you give them any treats? YesNo
If 'Yes', what brand and selection?
What cues can your dog respond to reliably?
Does your dog know any tricks and, if so, what?
Does your dog have a reliable recall?
Will they recall away from other dogs?
What techniques have you used in previous training e.g. treats, words, lead corrections etc
How do you address unwanted behaviour?
Have you used a trainer before?
Have you used a behaviourist before?
If 'Yes', what advice were you given?
Please describe your dog's daily physical exercise on weekdays (e.g. a walk/run/on lead/off lead/how long, how often etc)
Please describe your dog's daily physical exercise on weekends
Please describe any enrichment/mental activity your dog experiences during the day (e.g. tricks, puzzle games, scentwork, dog sports etc)
Please describe your dog's play (e.g. with you/other dogs/toys etc)
What equipment do you use to walk your dog (e.g. lead, harness, head collar etc)
How many hours a day is your dog alone?
How does your dog behave when left alone?
Please describe your dog's personality
How do you think your dog feels at home?
How do you think your dog feels on walks?
Do you think your dog is clever?
Please describe any changes in your dog's behaviour and advise when these happened
Have you moved house since owning your dog?
Have you noticed anything that might be triggering your dog's unwanted behaviour either now or previously?
If 'Yes', does your dog react to triggers only when close or at any distance? CloseAny distance
How does your dog behave around people they know?
How does your dog behave around strangers?
Do they behave differently towards people if they meet indoors or outdoors?
Do they behave differently towards people of different ages?
Has your dog ever shown any aggressive behaviour such as lunging, snapping, nipping or biting?
Has your dog ever bitten another dog?
Are there any times when your dog frightens you?
Does your dog guard anything from you (e.g. food, toys, bed, sofa, other people)?
Does your dog react to loud noises (e.g. thunder, traffic, fireworks)?
Have you been contacted by neighbours, friends or members of the public regarding your dog's behaviour?
Have you been contacted by the Local Authority, Police or any other statutory body regarding your dog's behaviour?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell me about your dog?
What would you like to achieve in relation to your dog's behaviour?
What are your priorities?
How long has any unwanted behaviour been going on?
Did it start suddenly or slowly?
What solutions have you tried and have you had any success?
What would a solution look like to you?
Is your dog currently receiving any Veterinary care or taking any medications? YesNo
Please give details of any medical issues your dog has had since or just before the bahavioural issues became apparent
Has your dog had a full clinical check up recently? YesNo
Has your dog had a pain trial recently? YesNo
Does your dog have any allergies? YesNo
If 'Yes', please give details
Does your dog have regular annual vaccinations? YesNo
Are they up to date? YesNo
Do you use flea and tick prevention? YesNo
Are they both up to date? YesNo
Vet's name
Vet's address
Vet's phone number
Do I have your permission to contact your Vet to discuss your dog's medical history and the information on this form with them? YesNo
How does your dog react to known people entering your home?
How does your dog react to strangers entering your home?
Do you have any procedures or strategies to deal with your dog when visitors enter the house?
How do your other pets (if any) react to strangers entering your house?
Do you have any procedures or strategies to deal with your other pets when visitors enter the house?
Is your dog muzzle trained? YesNo
Where did you hear about Doodle Dogs?
Please confirm that you have read the Terms and Conditions